Chittorgarh is famous for its jauhar kund where Rani Padmini commemorated jauhar after the king lost battle with Khilji. The rest is a matter of history, but still this city is relishing its native for bravery and elegance. The Rajput era palaces in Chittorgarh are major attractions for travellers coming up here every year. The uniqueness of Chittorgarh fort, the victory tower, 22 water reservoirs inside it, the decorative and carved temples spells its beauty that you can't restrict yourself to visit there.
This Hindu temple is located inside the chittorgarh fort which was dedicatedly built for lord Shiva's devotees in around 11th century originally. This historical site is conserved under the archeological survey of India and protected for being a place of national importance.
This temple is believed to be built in the era of lord Krishna's grand devotee Meera Bai, who also was a poetess and a lady with heart for visitors or pilgrims coming up to Kumbha Swami's darshan. The temple was built by the king of Mewar, Maharana Kumbha who was the husband of Meera Bai, in the 8th century.
The shyamal Avatar of lord Krishna is worshipped in this temple located in Bagund, which is considered to be the most celebrated form of Krishna and this Krishna Leela Avatar's highly adorable and valued across different parts of the globe or overseas. It's also an excellent example of modern style of architecture with a fusion of ancient Grandeur.