Thiruvanaikal is one of Tamil Nadu’s five major Shiva temples (Pancha Bhoota Stalam), each representing one of the Mahavta or five great elements; this temple represents water, or neer in Tamil. Despite pumping water out, the sanctum of Jambukeswara has an underground water stream that is still full of water. Legend says that the wall was built by Shiva himself working alongside the laborers. The fourth praharam has a huge mandapam with 796 pillars. It has a pushkarani (temple tank) fed by perpetual springs. The inner most praharam has the sanctum.The shrine for mother Akilandeswari is situated in the fourth praharam.
Jambukeshwar temple
The Jambukeswarar Temple at Tiruchirapalli is a famous Shiva temple in the state of Tamil Nadu, South India. The Jambukeswarar Temple is counted among the five most prominent Shiva temples in Tamil Nadu. These five temples represent the Pancha Maha elements of which Jambukeswarar represents water. There is an underground water stream in Jambukeswarar, therefore, there is no shortage of water here. Legends has it Malyavan and Pushpadanta were two Shiva Ganas or disciples. They always were on conflict over something or other and once Malyavan cursed Pushpadanta to become an elephant on Earth. The latter cursed the other to become a spider. The elephant and the spider came to Jambukeswaram and continued their Siva worship.